Created July 31, 2024
Updated August 1, 2024 (Corrected Legacy section which incorrectly stated that Group Coaching would be removed, as it was not part of these plans, and therefore, NMA Critique auditing is not received)
Updated August 7, 2024 (Added clarification to the Group Coaching section, specifying that the 12 NMA Tokens are only applicable to the Group Coaching (Legacy) plan which costs $79/month)
New Masters Academy is in the middle of an exciting transition into the future of online art education and the New Renaissance.
This transition necessitates some important changes to the NMA services available to subscribers, depending on your current subscription.
While these changes are necessary for providing a higher-quality, sustainable education for students, change can be confusing.
So we put together this blog post to help explain how subscriptions are changing.
Changes to Assignment Submissions start August 1st, 2024, while changes to the Coaching Program start August 15th, 2024.
Allocation of NMA Tokens for existing subscriptions will begin August 15th.
Group Coaching
- Scheduled Group Sessions
- Guaranteed critiques with NMA Critiques (requires NMA Tokens)
- 12 NMA Tokens per month (Only for the new subscription "Group Coaching (Legacy)". Tokens roll over to a max of 24 tokens)
- Auditing of all NMA Critiques, meaning you can watch the DVRs for any NMA Critique without using Tokens
- Access to previous Group Coaching recording archive (not yet available)
Required Actions
- Because NMA Tokens are issued through the main website and not through, you will need to sign up for a new subscription at and cancel your current subscription on This new subscription, Group Coaching (Legacy), is what links you into the NMA Token system. You will receive links via your email on file along with instructions on making this switch. You will not incur additional fees during this process. The new subscription costs $79/month.
4-Year Program
- Scheduled Group Sessions
- Guaranteed critiques with NMA Critiques (requires NMA Tokens)
- Continued free access to 4-year specific group sessions
- Auditing of all NMA Critiques, meaning you can watch the DVRs for any NMA Critique without using Tokens
- No NMA Tokens required to participate in Live Classes or to submit Assignments for feedback (some limitations apply)
- No NMA Tokens required to participate in certain interactive learning activities only available to other students with Tokens
- Access to previous Group Coaching recording archive (not yet available)
Required Actions
- None
Master Mentorship
- Scheduled Group Sessions
- Guaranteed critiques with NMA Critiques (requires NMA Tokens)
- A reduction in subscription fee to $169/month –OR– 12 NMA Tokens per month (Rolls over to a max of 24 tokens)
- Auditing of all NMA Critiques, meaning you can watch the DVRs for any NMA Critique without using Tokens
- Access to previous Group Coaching recording archive (not yet available)
Required Actions
- Because NMA Tokens are issued through the main website and not through, you will need to sign up for a new subscription at and cancel your current subscription on This new subscription is what links you into the NMA Token system. You will receive links via your email on file along with instructions on making this switch. You will not incur additional fees during this process.
Live Plans
- Scheduled Group Sessions
- Free assignment feedback
- 6 NMA Tokens per month (Rolls over to a max of 24 tokens)
- Guaranteed critiques with NMA Critiques (requires NMA Tokens)
- Auditing of all NMA Critiques, meaning you can watch the DVRs for any NMA Critique without using Tokens
- No NMA Tokens required to participate in Live Classes or to submit Assignments for feedback (some limitations apply)
- No NMA Tokens required to participate in certain interactive learning activities only available to other students with Tokens
Required Actions
- None
Legacy Standard and Premium
- Free assignment feedback
- Guaranteed critiques with NMA Critiques (requires NMA Tokens)
- No NMA Tokens required to attend Live Classes (see details below)
- No NMA Tokens required to participate in certain interactive learning activities only available to other students with Tokens
Required Actions
- None
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the limitations on NMA Tokens?
A: NMA Tokens have limitations based on how that Token was obtained. In general, purchased tokens are valid for one year from their purchase date. Additionally, Token prices are subject to change. You can read more about Token terms in our Terms of Service here:
Q: What about other types of Group Coaching?
A: Group Coaching sessions have been replaced with NMA Critiques, but what about non-critique sessions? NMA Will continue to offer several types of interactive group learning experiences that students can spend NMA Tokens on to participate in. Depending on the nature of these special sessions, you may be granted access to them without the need to spend Tokens depending on your subscription.
Q: How are Live Classes changing?
A: Here is the way Live Classes will work moving forward.
- NMA Students will vote on which Live Class they want from a set of options
- Students can then spend NMA Tokens to RSVP for the chosen Live Class (Only students who spend NMA Tokens can RSVP)
- If the Live Class gets the minimum requirement of RSVPs (determined based on the Live Class) the Live Class will move forward, otherwise, the Tokens used to RSVP will be returned to students and the cycle will repeat
Q: What does it mean that I can “audit” NMA Critiques?
A: If you previously had access to Group Coaching sessions, you will have the ability to “audit” previous NMA Critiques and Group Coaching sessions through the online portal, meaning you can watch the recordings of available past sessions, but you cannot interact with the coach or submit for feedback in these sessions. Details on how to access this will be provided as soon as they are available.
Q: Is there any benefit of keeping my current subscription versus switching and using NMA Tokens normally?
A: Yes. In most cases, keeping one of the above subscriptions gives you more perks than switching to a different subscription.
Q: What are the limitations on assignment submissions for 4-Year and Live Plan students?
A: In most cases, submitting assignments for feedback requires no tokens for 4-Year and Live Plan students. However, in certain circumstances, for instance when a student repeatedly submits an assignment for feedback that they are not passing, NMA Tokens may be required for additional attempts. Submissions purchased with NMA Tokens may be prioritized depending on volume.
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